Fig. 7. Mitochondrial activity is higher in normal breast cells than in luminal breast cancer and TNBC cells. A. MCF10A normal breast cells were transfected with siRNA against the ERβ gene and control siRNA, and their mitochondrial function, membrane potential, ROS level, and calcium production level were measured by FACS analysis after staining with TMRE, Mito-Sox, and Rhod-2AM dye, respectively. B. MCF10A cells were transfected with mock and pHA-mito-ERβ plasmids, and mitochondrial function was assessed as described in Fig. 7A. C. MCF10A cells were transfected with mock and pHA-mito-ERβ to overexpress ERβ, or with siRNA against the ERβ gene and control, and their mitochondrial ATP level was measured by quantifying the luciferase-catalyzed ATP-dependent oxidation of luciferin. D. Measurement of total and mitochondrial ATP levels in breast cancer and normal breast cells by quantifying the luciferase-catalyzed ATP-dependent oxidation of luciferin.